Monday, August 18, 2008

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles

On Saturday, while we were all sitting on the back patio to escape the oven-like climate in our house, I realized something that I thought should be shared with all those who will hear. My realization is this: Bubbles are very soothing to the soul. Grady loves to blow bubbles (see pictures), as well as chase them and pop them. But I, Nikki, the guest blogger to this site think there is something very therapeutic about blowing bubbles. Trying to make the biggest one you can and seeing how long it will last, or seeing how many you can get out of one dip into the soapy canister. Maybe it takes me back to my childhood or maybe I am just a simpleton, but whatever it is I feel better after a good bubble blowing sesh!


Pettin'Tales said...

You know, I was recently commenting to Jim that if everyone in the world could find something that gave them such pure joy as bubbles give little kids, it would be a better place. The nursery at our church got a bubble machiene that they use for the last 10 minutes before the parents pick the kiddies up - pure genius!